In his first public comments since his arrest, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov criticized French authorities for pursuing criminal charges against him instead of addressing their concerns with his company directly. Durov expressed surprise at being held personally responsible for illegal activities carried out by others on his platform, stating that it is typically the service itself that is legally targeted in such cases.
Durov argued that the French approach to the case, which has resulted in him being placed under formal investigation on 12 charges, including complicity in illicit activities on Telegram, could stifle innovation in the tech industry. He emphasized the importance of not holding innovators personally responsible for potential abuses of their technology, as it could deter others from creating new tools and services.
While acknowledging that Telegram has work to do in addressing harmful content on its platform, Durov highlighted efforts to improve moderation and enforcement measures. He also refuted claims that Telegram is an “anarchic paradise,” noting that the company removes millions of harmful posts and channels daily.
Durov’s arrest and indictment have sparked debates about the balance between freedom of speech, privacy, and policing online harm. Tech founders like Elon Musk and advocates for internet freedom, such as Edward Snowden, have condemned the case as a threat to freedom of expression. Russia has also raised concerns, challenging French authorities to provide strong evidence to support their allegations against Durov. Overall, Durov’s comments shed light on the complexities of regulating online platforms while safeguarding innovation and freedom of speech.
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